Asset Portfolio
Different kinds of crypto payments are readily available which vary from forex, utility bill payments, insurance payments, mobile top-ups, money transfers, Credit Card payments to the new revolutionary ePayment or Mobile payment to name a few. With all these growing numbers of digital and old fashioned payment services combined with the new Cryptocurrency, Kapital Banque strives for a perfect solution to optimize and simplify your lives, with the sense of security in protecting your data and privacy.
As cell phones have become a vital part of our daily lives we have become more flexible in the way we live. Changes in flexibility can be seen in the way transactions are made today. Our Kapital Banque eWallet gives you the ultimate flexible payment solution that features the benefits of a physical crypto wallet alongside a mobile wallet to help you manage your crypto money and simplify transactions/payments, making them safer and simpler no matter where you are. Through our eWallet you are able to exchange fiat currency into digital assets and cryptocurrency. Your digital assets will be accessible through the eWallet as it will hold all your personal assets within our portfolio. Once converted, later on, you can also exchange those digital assets and cryptocurrency through our eWallet into fiat currency as well.